Two days ago, Steve Jobs showed off the upcoming 3G iPhone. I will be covering the introduction and once I obtain one, I will write a review.
I own a computer design company named BulletTrain and we are working on creating a new computing paradigm that has a handheld computing component.
I actually sat down with Steve Jobs three years ago on August 28, 2005 at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, in the Apple boardroom and gave Steve Jobs a preview of my BulletTrain Computing platform.
At the time, long before the introduction of the original iPhone, I showed Steve Jobs scale models of my iPhone design, which was remarkably similar to the upcoming 3G iPhone. At some point I will likely post some photos on this blog of the iPhone models I showed Steve Jobs, and of course they still have Steve Jobs fingerprints all over them.

I actually wrote a seminal 5 part series on the future of hand-held computing that was published on the web called "Thoughts On The Future Of Handheld Computing."
In my article, I clearly defined what I thought the future of handheld computing was. My design predictions were remarkably accurate. I wrote the article in August of 2003 after a meeting I had with Jeff Hawkins, the inventor of the original Palm Pilot.
It is amazing because in 2003, I basically defined many of the form, function and software features that made it into the iPhone. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that Steve Jobs stole my ideas, I think it is just a coincidence, but fascinating non-the-less.
You can read my 2003 article named Thoughts On The Future Of Handheld Computing here.
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